The Pinedale Town Council voted unanimously on Monday, March 23, 2020 to implement steps to assist its utility customers during these tough times. Because individuals and businesses are unable to realize their typical revenues the town will waive late fees for all water and sewer services billed by the Town of Pinedale. The usage bills must still be paid. Only the late fee is being waived. The waiver is in effect during the March 1 through July 1 billing cycles. The town highly encourages customers to make small, regular payments, rather than allowing a large bill to amass that then becomes unmanageable. In furtherance of this recommendation, town staff are available to help you set up a payment plan for the months of March through July.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call the Town Hall at 307-367-4136. You may also email to In either case, please be patient, we are working with a smaller staff and many people need assistance.