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Community Workshops & Public Engagement

Pine Street Long-Term Conceptual Plan 
                 Feedback Accepted Through June 5, 2023

A long-term concept of Pine Street has been developed as part of the Transportation Master Plan for concept planning for 2045.  You can view a large, easy to read map in person at the Sublette County Library in Pinedale, or click on the picture at Pine Street Long-Term Conceptual Plan -Feedback Accepted Through June 5 (


The purpose of these improvements are to accommodate growth on Pine Street, accommodate turning onto Pine Street and improve vehicle, pedestrian and bike safety.  


Please submit your comments about the Pine Street Corridor Long-Term Plan to by Monday, June 5, 2023.

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Community Workshops March1 & March 28, 2023

Extended Open Public Feedback Period 


The Town of Pinedale and Transportation Project Team hosted a public workshop about projected traffic and vicinity growth as well as possible alternatives on Wednesday, March 1 and Tuesday, March 28.  Click on the Welcome slide below to see a .pdf of the poster displays from the workshops.













Once you review the presentation materials, please provide your comments by completing a short survey at the link below by Friday, March 31, 2023.




Thank you for your time and feedback!

Community Workshop December 12, 2022

Project Goal: The Master Plan study will assess mobility needs and identify actionable near-term and long-term solutions for enhancing safety, accessibility, connectivity, resiliency, and livability within our community. The goal of the Transportation Master Plan is to use real data and input from the community and Steering Committee to develop data-driven transportation alternatives and recommendations to improve Pine Street and the local transportation network. These alternatives and recommendations will provide an actionable plan for the community on which to base future transportation decisions.


Click on the Town Council Update to see a .pdf of the slideshow presentation:


Community Workshop August 29, 2022

The Town of Pinedale recognizes the need to enhance safety, accessibility, connectivity, resiliency and livability in our community and is developing a Transportation Master Plan and Pedestrian Safety Plan and would like your thoughts and input on overall mobility in Pinedale.

Click on the Welcome slide to see a .pdf of the Public Engagement Posters that were available at the workshop:

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