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Pinedale Mobility Project

Engage with the Planning Process

2024 Pine Street Bulb-out Demonstration Project


Project Purpose:  The Town of Pinedale is conducting a demonstration project to assess the impacts of bulb-outs on intersections along Pine Street including Fremont, Maybell and Tyler Avenues.  With this demonstration project, we are reviewing the existing conditions and how they may change with the temporary bulb-outs on street corners.  Rather than constructing the bulb-outs with concrete, we are using paint and temporary delineators.  The design of the bulb-outs and no parking areas are based on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) highway and street design policies.


Project Duration:  Depending on weather later in the year, the Town intends to have the bulb-outs in place from June through October 2024. 


What is sight distance?  As many motorists experience when turning onto Pine Street, sight distance is a safety issue at many Pine Street intersection approaches.  Intersection sight distance is typically defined as the distance a motorist can see approaching vehicles before their line of sight is blocked by an obstruction near the intersection.  The driver of a vehicle approaching or departing from a stopped position at an intersection should have an unobstructed view of the intersection, including any traffic control devices, and sufficient lengths along the intersection roadway to permit the driver to anticipate and avoid potential collisions.


Obstruction examples include trees, parked vehicles, utility poles, or buildings (FHWA, 2011). Sight distance also impacts pedestrians crossing the street; a common obstruction for pedestrians is parked vehicles, which may force pedestrians to walk onto the pavement to check for oncoming vehicles if permitted too close to a crosswalk. By prohibiting parking and implementing bulb-outs near intersections, sight distance can be improved for both drivers and pedestrians.


What are bulb-outs?  Bulb-outs are sidewalk extensions that project into the roadway or parking area, reducing the crossing distance for pedestrians while providing a better view of oncoming traffic and allowing vehicles to better see pedestrians. Bulb-outs can also slow down traffic and provide additional space for landscaping, downtown beautification, and/or public art.


Your feedback is important!  Please provide your feedback on the comment map or idea wall regarding your experience with the demonstration project as a motorist, bicyclist, pedestrian, downtown visitor, business owner, etc.!



Engage with the Planning Process!

Comment Map.jpg
Idea Wall.jpg

Contact Us


Hayley Ruland - Project Manager

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