Greetings everyone,
Let me assure you that though you may not see or hear everything we do, town staff has been proactive with town planning and has participated with county officials every step of the way. We have absolutely lead by example by staying calm and being a part of the "one voice" coming from county officials. We have implemented each policy as quickly as possible to be a part of the solution. We have contingency plans, both short and long term, in place for even more protective measures as they become necessary.
Because we have new guidance from the county in limiting gatherings to 10, down from 50, we have set up a conference line for the workshop and regular town council meeting on March 23. Please see the attached call in information that will be posted on our website and sent directly to entities that submitted letters of interest. We will direct people to stay home and not attend. However, Wyoming Public Meeting laws do not allow us from barring the public. We will however have masks available for use at the meeting.
Additionally, the county has not asked us to discontinue use of their facilities in any way, but we know they are trying to limit traffic in their building to a minimum. Additionally, adequate spacing between the 10 people should be maintained. So to ensure both a safe workspace for the county and be respectful of their precautionary measures, and to keep distance between ourselves, we will be using the Lovatt Room of the Sublette County Library for this meeting. Thank you, Library Staff, for making the room available on short notice.
"Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but paddling like the dickens underneath" Michael Caine.
Safe and Smiling,
Maureen Rudnick Town Clerk /Treasurer
Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6391
Access code: 617564#
International dial-in numbers:
Online meeting ID: maureenrudnick
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