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§475-303 Hearing before Planning and Zoning Commission; notice.

Town Of Pinedale

Pursuant to §475-303 of the Pinedale Municipal Code, notice is hereby given that the Town of Pinedale Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 5 p.m. in the main conference room of the Pinedale Town Hall; 205 Entertainment Lane; Pinedale, WY 82941.

The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss the following:

  1. A zoning language amendment to §475-342.B General Requirements amending the number of allowed short-term rentals per parcel.

  2. A zoning language amendment to §475-343.A Nuisances, Violations and Penalties; Termination amending the language relating to penalties for violations of §475 Article XLI Short-Term Rental.

Please contact Abram Pearce ( for more information.

Published in the Pinedale Roundup August 15, 2024.

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