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Planning & Zoning

Water, sewer, and streets are three of the Towns biggest priorities. The Planning and Zoning Department works closely with the Department of Public Works and the Town Council to help provide a long-term plan to maintain quality infrastructure in the Town. The department is also applying for grants via the Wyoming Department of Transportation, the State Revolving Fund, and federal grants. 



Office: 307-367-4136


Sunset Stroll




Zoning is here to protect you, your neighbors, and the Town. If you have a questions about the zoning of a property, please call the Town or refer to the Sublette County GIS Map Server.

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Sublette County Map Server

The Sublette County Map Server is a wonderful tool to see property information, zoning and more by using the layer to the right side of the page.  

Zoning FAQ


Where are my property lines?

Only a licensed surveyor can accurately show you the location of the property lines or corners. To find the general location, you can obtain a copy of your subdivision plat from the County Clerk's Office if you know your legal description. A digital copy is available on the county website under the County Clerk's scanned plats. You can also consult the county GIS Map Server, which has property lines overlaid on aerial photography. These lines are approximate but will assist you in finding the general location.

If your property is unplatted, the county or a previous property owner may have a boundary survey of the property you can consult. If it is unplatted and there is not a recorded survey, you will have to contact a licensed land surveyor and have it surveyed. The plat will indicate the dimensions of your lot and what type of monument was set for your property corners. Property corners are generally set with rebar and capped with a plastic or aluminum cap with the surveyors name and license number. You can look at the end of fence lines along utility lines and on the backside of sidewalks for property corners. Property corner markers are often destroyed during construction or other activities and can become overgrown with grass or shrubs or buried with dirt, so don't despair if you cannot locate your property corners. If you would like them located or replaced, please contact a licensed surveyor.


You can also contact the Town Hall at 307-367-4136 or consult the GIS Map Server to get a general idea of your property boundaries.

Where does my property line end and the Town right-of-way begin?


Often, property owners may think that their vehicles are parked on their property  or extend their landscaping to the driving lane and then become upset when they receive a ticket, snow is piled, or landscaping is disturbed. Since most Town streets do not have sidewalks or curbs, it has been somewhat confusing for property owners to determine where their property begins and the Town property ends. Most alleys within the Town have a right-of-way width of 20 feet, while the driving lane may only be 10 feet. Streets within the Town vary from 30 to 100 foot right-of-ways with 30 to 50 feet of paved lanes and valley pans. Depending on the right-of-way width of the street and the paved surface, your property line may be as far as 25 feet behind the edge of the valley pan.

Please contact a licensed land surveyor if you need assistance locating your property lines and corners.



Checking Text on a Document

Permits are required prior to new construction, some building modifications, new fencing, and signage. If you do not know if your project requires a permit, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 307-367-4136.

Construction Permits

Permit FAQ

Does the Town of Pinedale require contractor licensing?


The Town of Pinedale does not currently require contractors to be licensed. The State of Wyoming does require electricians to be licensed.

When is a building permit required?


Building permits are required for new construction (whether built on or off-site), additions, accessory structures on permanent foundations, and some remodels. Permits are not required for general maintenance such as re-siding, re-roofing, and most remodels. Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department for more information on the required permits.

Has the Town of Pinedale adopted building codes?


The Town of Pinedale has adopted IBC 2012.

Can I connect to Town water and sewer?


Properties inside the Town boundary can hook to water and sewer. Properties outside the Town boundary in the county can only hook to water and sewer if annexed into the Town, unless there is an existing service agreement. Properties directly abutting the Town boundary are the only parcels eligible for annexation. Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department if you would like to discuss the feasibility of annexation.

What are the design loads for snow and wind in Pinedale?


The Town of Pinedale has not adopted official figures for these items. It is up to the design professional to come up with the appropriate figure by consulting local climate information and using the appropriate load calculations. The ASCE 7.2 manual contains some information.


85 pounds per sq ft is a figure that is commonly used in Town for snow loads. It is important to note that this number is NOT an official recommendation. There are several factors that prohibit the Town from establishing a snow load value that would be satisfactory for all buildings and locations in Pinedale.

Does the Town issue certificates of occupancy?


No, the town does not have a building department and does not issue certificates of occupancy. 

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