Planning & Zoning Commission
Planning and Zoning meetings are typically held on the first Monday of each month at 5 p.m., in the Lovatt Room of the Sublette County Library in Pinedale. Refer to the Town Calendar to verify the meeting date. Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 307-367-4136 or with questions.
The Planning and Zoning Commission helps citizens with planning and zoning applications and issues. The Planning and Zoning Commission is established by state statute and acts as the primary vehicle for gathering citizen input on planning and zoning applications and issues. The commission reviews information and makes recommendations to the Town Council.
Planning & Zoning Board
Ryan Wells, Chairman
Appointment Ends June 30, 2026
Michael Lutz, Vice Chairman
Appointment Ends June 30, 2027
Tesa Manning, Member
Appointment Ends June 30, 2026
Monica DeGraffenreid, Member
Appointment Ends June 30, 2027
Judi Boyce, Town Council Representative
Appointment Ends June 30, 2028 ​​