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  • Town Of Pinedale

Corona Virus Preparedness

On Monday, Public Health decided to open the Health Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate health messaging to the residents of Sublette County from "one voice".  We will be posting the latest information from the Wyoming Department of Health on our Public Health Facebook page, which will be shared through the Sheriff's Office and Emergency Management to local media outlets.

In conjunction with these meetings, Public Health along with Emergency Management, Sublette County Rural Health Staff, Sheriff's Department, and our Public Health Officer--Dr. Fitzsimmons are working together to coordinate efforts and communicate guidelines provided by the CDC and the Wyoming Department of Health to the public.  Protocols for screening and testing are in place.  The Wyoming State Lab has testing kits and providers have protocols to work with the State for appropriate testing of symptomatic patients.

In an effort to educate Sublette County, we are going to offer "2 Weeks Ready" courses at the Senior Centers (working on a date for the library) to assist residents with tools to be prepared.  We will have a local physician, Public Health, Emergency Management, and clinic staff at these events to answer local questions.  Please see the attached flyer for dates & times.

Current Information (03/05/2020--0800):

80 COVID-19 positive cases in the United States

9 deaths

ZERO reported cases in Wyoming.

Things to do:

Call BEFORE you go to the clinic if symptomatic (fever, cough, shortness of breath) with history of travel from affected countries or close contact with lab-confirmed COVID-19 patient.

Basic precautions--Wash your hand frequently, stay home if you are sick, see attached flyer...Consult CDC & Wyoming Department of Health websites for up to date information. 

There are specific readiness guidelines for schools, community entities, medical facilities, etc.

Call Public Health for questions/concerns @ 307-367-2157.

Thanks so much for your support during this evolving situation!

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